Dental Implant Infections: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Like any surgery, there is a risk of infection associated with dental implant placement. However, infection is a rare complication of dental implant surgery, and with proper care and attention, most implant surgeries heal without any problems.

Some signs and symptoms of an infection around a dental implant may include:

  1. Pain or tenderness around the implant site
  2. Swelling or inflammation of the gums or tissues surrounding the implant
  3. Redness or warmth around the implant site
  4. Fever or other signs of systemic infection

If an infection is suspected, it is important to contact a dental professional right away. Treatment for a dental implant infection may involve antibiotics and/or drainage of any pus or abscesses that have formed around the implant.

To reduce the risk of infection after dental implant surgery, it is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by the dental professional. This may include:

  1. Keeping the mouth clean and avoiding irritating the surgical site
  2. Using any prescribed antibiotics or mouth rinses as directed
  3. Avoiding smoking or using tobacco products
  4. Eating a soft diet and avoiding hard, crunchy foods
  5. Attending all follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process.

With offices in both Plantation and Coral Gables,  we are a team of qualified dentists and dental specialists at Miracle Smile Dentistry, who are experienced in dental implant placement and can provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to reduce the risk of infection.

Bridge vs Dental Implants: What Patients Should Know

Bridge vs Dental Implants: What Patients Should Know

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Steps to Place and Restore a Dental Implant

Steps to Place and Restore a Dental Implant

The process of placing and restoring a dental implant typically involves several steps, which may include the following: The steps involved in placing and restoring a dental implant may vary depending on the patient’s individual case and the type of implant used. 

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants? Factors to Consider:

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants? Factors to Consider:

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