Single Tooth Crowns

Dental Crowns: Restoring Function and Appearance to Damaged Teeth

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are a common dental restoration used to repair and restore damaged or decayed teeth. A crown is a custom-made covering that fits over the entire tooth, from the gum line to the top of the tooth, providing protection and support.

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination of both. Porcelain crowns are popular because they can be color-matched to the natural teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from surrounding teeth. Metal crowns, such as gold or silver, are strong and durable and are often used for back teeth that are less visible.

Here are some common reasons Dr. Aller may recommend a crown:

  1. Severe decay: If a tooth is severely decayed and cannot be repaired with a filling, a crown may be necessary to restore the tooth’s function and prevent further damage.
  2. Cracked or broken teeth: If a tooth is cracked or broken, a crown can be used to hold the tooth together and prevent further damage.
  3. After root canal treatment: After a root canal, a crown may be necessary to protect the tooth and restore its function.
  4. Cosmetic reasons: Crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as to improve the appearance of a misshapen or discolored tooth.

The process for getting a crown typically involves two appointments. During the first appointment, Dr. Aller will prepare the tooth by removing any decay or damage and shaping the tooth to accommodate the crown. An impression of the tooth will be taken, and a temporary crown will be placed over the tooth to protect it while the permanent crown is being made.

During the second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed, and the permanent crown will be placed and cemented onto the tooth.

With proper care, including regular brushing and flossing and routine dental checkups and cleanings, a crown can last for many years, providing protection and support for a damaged or decayed tooth.

Because dental crowns can be used to restore the appearance of a smile, it’s important to choose a dentist with experience in cosmetic dentistry.

Call Miracle Smile today to consult with the best cosmetic dentist in South Florida. Our offices are conveniently located in the City of Coral Gables, as well as Plantation, Florida. We are eager to begin working on your Miracle Smile, so contact us today!