12 Gum Disease-Fighting Foods

Gum Disease-Fighting Foods

Approximately 64.7 million Americans have some form of gum disease (also called periodontal disease). Luckily, if you catch your gum disease early enough, you can stop the progression and potentially reverse the damage.

Using a combination approach to stopping gum disease progression can be achieved by way of these 3 fundamental elements:

  • A gum disease fighting diet
  • Professional care
  • Proper oral hygiene

Excellent dental hygiene is necessary when combating gum disease, but the quality of our diet has a significant influence on the overall health of our mouths.

Even if you have the best dental habits in the world, not getting proper nutrients to support a healthy immune system keeps you at risk of developing gum disease.

Essential nutrients for battling gum disease:

When you are healthy, your body naturally fights gum disease, but some essential nutrients are particularly useful that you may want to consider in your diet.

Our mouths contain a complex population of organisms that make up what is called oral microbiome. Digestion begins in the mouth, ultimately affecting the entire digestive tract where the majority of our immune system lives. With this in mind, you can see how crucial it is to have a healthy mouth.

When we talk about eating the right foods to keep your teeth and gums healthy, we are referring to foods that will sustain your oral microbiome.

You will want to consume foods that are abundant in the following:

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – Located everywhere in the body, CoQ10 is an antioxidant required for proper cell function. People who have an adequate amount of CoQ10 are less likely to have gum disease. In fact, if you have gum disease and an ample amount of CoQ10, the CoQ10 levels in your gums will rise and strengthen, suppressing the succession of periodontal swelling.

Collagen – Gum disease causes the gums to reorganize the tissue makeup so it can manage the inflammation – this results in collagen degradation. To combat this, you’ll need to eat foods with lots of collagen.

Catechins – Phenols and antioxidants that fight disease. Catechins have helped in the treatment of gum disease by restraining harmful bacteria and limiting infection.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C boosts your immune system helping to fight disease-causing bacteria and helps restore your gums. Vitamin C contributes to the development of collagen, which encourages the health of the periodontal ligament and other tissues.

Beta Carotene – Eating foods high in beta-carotene helps in the gum disease healing process. Beta-carotene is a provitamin that is turned into Vitamin A by the body which diminishes inflammation.

Omega-3s – Containing anti-inflammatory properties, our bodies need Omega-3s to have a healthy immune system. Taking your gum disease head-on will require a significant increase in your omega-3 intake.

Decreasing the impact of gum disease is accomplished by eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates, and incorporating foods that contain the essential ingredients mentioned above.

Here are the top 12 foods that help prevent, manage, and reverse gum disease:

1. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are high in omega-3s. Some of the omega-3 rich nuts and seeds include pistachios, macadamia nuts, and sesame seeds. Not only do we require nutrient rich omega-3s in our diet, but the anti-inflammatory properties they contain have an inverse relationship with gum disease.

2. Salmon and other fish high in fat

Oily fish such as a salmon, herring, and mackerel are excellent sources of nutrients and are high in omega-3s. The oils in these fish also contain anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Grass-fed beef

Grass-fed beef contains collagen, which is excellent for fighting gum disease. It too is high in omega-3s, which is one of the reasons, so many health gurus specify the feed of the cow. Grain fed beef contains high amounts of omega-6s, antibiotics, and another inflammatory, disease-causing components.

4. Chicken

CoQ10 and collagen are both found in chicken. Although high in fat, chicken skin is jam-packed with collagen – something to keep in mind if you typically do without the skin.

5. Bone Broth

Our ancestors used to eat the whole animal, which contains the collagen our bodies require. Since we no longer eat the way our ancestors did, it is easy to lack collagen in our diet. Bone broth will give you the collagen your body needs. It is becoming increasingly popular considerable health superfood because it offers the nutrients we miss out on in our modern diet.

6. Shiitake mushrooms

Lentinan is a polysaccharide only found in this particular type of mushroom. Lentinan ambushes severe gum disease-causing bacteria while leaving the good bacteria alone. Shiitake mushrooms also bear great anti-inflammatory characteristics. More shitake mushrooms, please!

7. Broccoli

Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, magnesium, iron, calcium, niacin, and selenium are all found in Broccoli. It is safe to say that any nutrient-dense diet should include broccoli.

8. Red and green bell peppers

Just one cup of red bell peppers contains over 300% of your daily recommended Vitamin C intake! Green bell peppers are not too far behind containing over 200% of the recommended Vitamin C intake. Surprisingly, both red and green bell peppers have more Vitamin C than an orange. Consider adding more red and green bell peppers to your diet.

9. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes loaded with a ton of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an essential nutrient in the fight against gum disease, reducing inflammation and providing your body with what it needs to create Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is also a powerful antioxidant. Sweet potatoes also have high levels of Vitamins C and B6, as well as Manganese.

10. Green tea

Green tea is high in catechins, which are the critical gum disease fighting nutrients mentioned earlier. Green tea has also shown to have an inverse relationship with periodontal disease.

11. Cacao

Cacao is excellent for your teeth overall because it too is high in the disease-fighting catechins, and resists cavities, plaque, as well as tooth decay. In fact, the compounds found in cacao are more influential in preventing tooth decay than fluoride. Cacao also contains an enamel hardening compound known as CBH, white crystalline powder with a chemical makeup similar to caffeine. Hardening tooth enamel makes users less susceptible to tooth decay.

Make note that raw chocolate is the better choice, as it is less processed, and more of the antioxidants are left intact. Look for raw chocolate that is 70% or more raw chocolate with low sugar content, no more than 6 – 8 grams of sugar.

12. Probiotic-containing foods

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. We usually think of these as germs that cause diseases. However, your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. Probiotics promote the healthy bacteria in your mouth and reduce gingivitis and plaque buildup. Some probiotic containing foods include kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

The best defense against gum disease is being knowledgeable about the condition and knowing what can be done to manage and prevent it. Our diet is so important to our overall oral health and well-being. Remember, we are what we eat.

If you’re looking for the best dentist in South Florida, call and schedule an appointment at our dental office today at 305-569-9966. Miracle Smile has two practice locations, conveniently located in Coral Gables and Plantation, Florida. Our practice and dedicated team of friendly healthcare professionals will provide you with the utmost comfort and optimal oral health possible.

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