4 Ways to Treat a Toothache

4 ways to treat a toothache

Toothaches are the worst, and they seem to tend to occur at the least ideal times. Here are 4 ways to conquer pain in a tooth, at least until you go and see your dentist.

1. Over The Counter Pain Relievers


Acetaminophen – a familiar brand being Tylenol – is used to help with toothaches. According to the American Dental Association, acetaminophen is the most common medication given after dental treatment. Acetaminophen is an analgesic which changes the way your body recognizes the pain, making the toothache more tolerable.


Inflammation, swelling, red gums, or other irritated parts of the mouth can all be associated with a toothache. For these symptoms, an anti-inflammatory, such as naproxen or ibuprofen, or any of the other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are typically recommended.

Topical Medication

Products such as benzocaine applied directly to the tooth can also provide you with some short-term relief from pain. Your dentist may recommend Colgate Orabase 20% Benzocaine for this purpose, as it contains 20% Benzocaine to provide clinically proven pain relief for mouth irritations.

2. Ice Packs

Holding an ice pack outside of your face where you are experiencing pain can be surprisingly helpful. The cold helps relieve the pain and swelling.

3. No Hard Foods

A broken tooth or dental cavity are usually the causes of toothaches. Stick to eating softer foods until you see your dentist. The soft food will also help you to avoid further damaging the sensitive area(s).

4. Keep it Clean

Good dental hygiene is always a must, even when you aren’t experiencing a toothache. If regular brushing and flossing hurt, there are specific rinses you can do to alleviate some of the discomforts and encourage healing. Two options are a peroxyl rinse or warm salt water.

Toothaches are never fun but don’t suffer through it while waiting to see your dentist. Need a dentist right away? Dr. Anna Aller and Associates at Miracle Smile are here for you! Call our award-winning dental office – with convenient dental offices in Coral Gables and Plantation, Florida, we’re here to help ease your dental pain.

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