5 Questions to Ask Your Plantation Oral Surgeon

Plantation Oral Surgery - Miracle smile

5 Questions to Ask Your Oral Surgeon


The idea of having surgery of any kind is scary. Even if your surgery is as simple as a wisdom tooth extraction, you likely have many questions for your oral surgeon. But sometimes, once you get to your consultation appointment your fears get in the way and you’re not sure what to ask.

These are the five questions that you should always ask your oral surgeon during a consultation appointment.

Why Do I Need This Surgery?


First and foremost, you need to have a clear understanding of why it’s necessary for you to undergo the surgery. Sure, you may be aware of a pain or other issue that indicates that you need some sort of treatment, but it’s important that you know why this surgery is your best option for treatment.

By speaking with Dr. Aller and the oral surgery team at Miracle Smile, you’ll gain an understanding of why you need the procedure you will ease your own anxieties. Your oral surgeon should calmly explain why this particular form is treatment is necessary. This will increase your confidence in your surgeon and allow you to stop worrying as much.


What Are The Steps of The Procedure?

Not only should you know why you’re having the surgery, but you should also have an idea of what the procedure entails. Listening to your surgeon’s plan can alleviate some of your anxiety and help you better prepare for what is to come.


How Long Will The Procedure Last?

Having an idea of how long the surgery will last is also important. This is especially true if you’re feeling anxious. In general, the more information you can obtain beforehand and the more you can plan, the more relaxed and ready you’ll feel.

This question can help you figure out basic things such as what time you need a ride to and from the office (if necessary), how long you should expect to be there, and more. Your surgeon may not be able to give you an exact time, but an estimate will help you feel more in control of your day.


What Does The Recovery Process Look Like?

Not only should you know what will happen during the surgery, but you should also know what to expect afterwards. How long will it be before you can return to work? Will you be in pain after the procedure? Can you eat normally when you get home?

Answers to all of these questions can help you plan out your next few days or even weeks. Whether you’re having your oral surgery in our Plantation or Coral Gables office, you’ll need to arrange for a ride home afterwards.

Are There Risks To The Surgery?

Maybe the most important question to ask is about the risks associated with the surgery. Chances are, if you need the surgery you will not be basing your decision of whether or not to undergo the procedure on this answer, but it’s important to know what could happen.

Going over all of the potential possibilities will help you feel more at ease.

If you have an upcoming dental procedure that you have questions about, or if you are interested in scheduling a consult, reach out to our office today.

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