Surprising symptoms that lead back to your teeth

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Not all symptoms that start in your teeth stay in your mouth. Make sure you know when it’s time to see the dentist, with this quick guide to unusual dental symptoms.

Sinus infections

Many patients first discover problems with their teeth not because of a toothache or sore jaw, but because of constant sinus infections. An infection in your tooth or gums can easily spread into your sinuses, giving a far more noticeable problem to deal with.


High blood pressure

It may surprise you to find out that high blood pressure in otherwise healthy people can stem from dental problems. This happens via a few different mechanisms. The pain and stress of untreated dental problems is perhaps the most obvious route for this problem, but it’s not the only one. Infections of the tooth often contribute to high blood pressure while untreated, as well, and may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

sleep problems

Tooth problems can lead to sleep loss in an obvious way, by keeping you up from pain, but that’s far from the only way dental issues can interfere with restful sleep. For example, sleep apnea not caused by being overweight most often instead stems from problems with your teeth or jaw.

Missing teeth directly correlate with increased rates of sleep apnea—and in many cases, orthodontic intervention can completely cure this dangerous and frustrating ailment.


weakened immune system

It’s important to remember that your teeth aren’t special or separate from the rest of your body; chronic infections in your teeth and gums tax your immune system as much as infections anywhere else. Inhaling bacteria into your lungs and letting it pass through your blood to the rest of your body also takes a toll.

If you’ve been sick often recently, and haven’t seen a dentist recently, it’s time to explore the possibility that the two are related.


Headaches and migraines

It’s probably no surprise that problems with your teeth and jaw can be a root cause of headaches, but it may surprise you to find out that these aches can happen even if you don’t notice anything wrong with your teeth.

Some of these headaches stem from the other symptoms on this list; sinus infections, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure can all cause your head to ache, as can the stress of chronic health problems. Pressure from misaligned teeth setting your jaw askew and referred pain can also lead to chronic headaches.


Learn more

If you’re in Plantation, Florida, or Coral Gables, Florida, Miracle Smile will be glad to see you about these symptoms and others! Contact us today and schedule an appointment with Dr. Aller and the other experienced professionals at Miracle Smile.

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