Good oral health care goes beyond simply brushing and flossing. Your teeth are vital for chewing properly, which is the first step in the digestion process and your mouth is the first contact your body has with the nutrients you consume. So, not only does what you eat have an effect on your overall health, but for the health of your teeth, gums and mouth as well. The foods and beverages you consume may have a direct influence on how healthy your smile is. Here are a few food do’s and don’ts that may have an impact on your oral health.
Oral Health Do’s
One of the most important things you can do for good oral health is to consume a variety of saliva producing foods. Saliva is actually your mouth’s best friend because it helps to protect your teeth against decay by removing food particles and it contains vital minerals to help neutralize acids. Some saliva producing foods include:
- Cheese, which is also calcium rich, so it produces saliva as well as helps with re-calcification of teeth and helps to protect against calcium loss.
- Cow’s milk contains a wide variety of tooth goodness, including casein, calcium and phosphorous.
- Plant foods, such as leafy greens, not only require you to chew, which stimulates saliva, but they are high in beneficial fibers as well.
- Fresh vegetables and fruits are loaded with minerals and vitamins that will help to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy as well as help to stimulate the production of saliva.
- Water is essential for keeping you hydrated, which is critical for saliva production and as a bonus it helps to wash away food particles.
Oral Health Don’ts
Since childhood, you have heard that sugar is bad for your teeth. This is because of the bacteria in your mouth, which converts the sugars as well as carbohydrates, into acids, which attack tooth enamel, eventually causing tooth decay. The first and most important don’t is sugar, including soft drinks. Other oral health don’ts include:
- Empty calorie foods, such as cakes and snack foods. Not only do these foods contain sugar, but they don’t have any nutritional value. Some empty calorie foods, such as potato chips may also damage the surface of teeth and gums.
- Acidic foods, such as citrus fruits and tomatoes may be good for your health, but they should be eaten as part of a meal, not alone. High acidic foods can weaken and soften tooth enamel, so be sure to rinse your mouth with water after consuming acidic foods.
- Coffee and tea will stain your teeth and if you add sugar and/or cream, you may be encouraging harmful bacteria to take up residency in your mouth.
Brushing, flossing and routine dental visits are essential for a healthy mouth, but it is also important to eat a well-balanced diet. Eating healthy will give your body the nutrients it craves for health and wellness as well as provide your teeth, gums and mouth with healthy goodness.
For more information about oral hygiene and nutrition, contact Miracle Smile to schedule a consultation with Dr. Aller.