Clinical Case of Successful Invisalign Treatment for Moderate Crowding of the Teeth

This is the case of a 24-year-old female patient who presented with crowding of her teeth. She was very motivated to correct her dental condition and wanted to do so with the least invasive method possible.

After consulting with Dr. Aller, it was decided that Invisalign would be the best solution for her. Invisalign works by using a series of custom-made aligners that gradually shift the teeth into the desired position. The patient was given a series of aligners to wear for at least 22 hours a day, removing them only for brushing and eating. The patient adhered to the treatment plan, wearing the aligners as instructed and following up with regular dental appointments.

After approximately 12 months, the patient had her desired results. The patient was extremely happy with the results of her Invisalign treatment. To further improve her smile, the patient opted for teeth whitening and was given a set of retainers to wear every night, to help prevent the teeth from shifting back to their original positions. After this, the patient had a beautiful, straight and white smile that she was proud of. Overall, this case was a success. The patient was happy with the results and was able to achieve a beautiful smile with minimal hassle and discomfort. Invisalign was the perfect solution for this patient, and the results speak for themselves.

Dr. Aller invisalign patient - before and after

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