Do Tooth Gems Damage Your Teeth?

do tooth gems damage teeth

There have been countless questionable fashion trends over the years, but for the most part, none of them have affected your teeth. Well, now there’s a trend that’s returning that changes the appearance of your teeth. Hopefully, you don’t feel compelled to try this trend, because it is not safe for your teeth.

Tooth gems are making a come back. Returning from the 90s, this practice of putting tiny rhinestones on the teeth is becoming popular again. A number of celebrities have been spotted sporting these gems that look like tiny specks of gold or silver on their teeth. Everyone from Katy Perry to Kylie Jenner has little gems on their teeth. This is a problem because it is more likely to appeal to younger age groups who look up to them. Teenagers are too young to understand the lasting impacts that trends like this can have on their dental health.

Aside from their appearance, there are a number of reasons why tooth gems are a bad idea. For starters, they are really bad for your teeth. When you put a tooth gem on, you are putting an adhesive on your tooth. This can cause the enamel to wear away and increase the likelihood of tooth decay. It also leads to discolorations on the affected teeth.

Even worse, these tooth gems are designed to last anywhere from six months to a year. That’s a long time to leave a foreign object covering part of your tooth. With this on there, you can’t possibly brush your teeth properly. This leaves you prone to cavities and serious damage to your teeth. Plus, you don’t know what your tooth will look like once you take it off. Will there be a permanent discoloration that will stay with you for years to come?

These also get in the way of brushing your teeth properly. This leaves you prone to cavities when stray food and bacteria become trapped underneath it. Plus, these gems are normally applied at home which makes them even riskier. A dental professional can assess the risks of a certain adhesive or tooth gem, but you will likely follow the directions on the package without much thought about how it will affect your teeth in the long run.

Even worse than tooth gems are dental grills. These were popularized by rappers and are likely to make a comeback alongside tooth gems. These are crafted using metals that can irritate your gums and trigger an allergic reaction. The risks of these far outweigh the benefits of following a trend or fitting in.

If you want to change or enhance the appearance of your teeth, you might want to consider professional tooth whitening. This is a more natural-looking and safer way to improve the appearance of your smile without potentially causing tooth decay, cavities, and other serious issues.

If you are interested in learning more about how tooth gems and other similar trends can affect your teeth in the long run, call our office today.

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