How Invisalign Attachments Work

Invisalign - Miracle smile

Invisalign is known worldwide for its teeth-straightening capabilities. Invisalign technology has evolved over the years to correct everything from minor to severe malocclusions and overbites. To find out if Invisalign is right for you, contact your orthodontist to set up a consultation. While some people will experience more benefit from traditional metal braces, many others can achieve the same effect with Invisalign.

Invisalign technology offers a much more discreet way to correct dental spacing problems than traditional metal braces. The clear plastic aligners are placed over the teeth and gently guide the teeth into place over several weeks. During the beginning of treatment, your orthodontist will affix small bumps called “attachments” to certain teeth. These bumps allow the aligners to hold onto the teeth and gently pull them to the correct location. At the end of treatment, the bumps are removed by simply polishing them off of the teeth.

10 Things To Know About Invisalign Attachments

Invisalign attachments are one of the most important aspects of Invisalign treatment. The plastic aligners snap onto the attachments and use them to gently guide the teeth to their new locations. Without the attachments, the process would not be as simple. Here are 10 important things to know about Invisalign attachments before seeking treatment:

  1. They are small.

Invisalign attachments are very small. They are little bumps consisting of a composite material that are attached to certain teeth. They don’t take up a lot of space on each tooth, and they are often unnoticeable.

  1. Placement can vary.

The placement of the attachments varies based on how each tooth needs to move. Because the aligners use the attachments to move the teeth, the placement for each tooth is specific for each tooth.

  1. Shape can vary.

The shape of each attachment can vary based on how the tooth needs to move. Shapes can include: circular, square, triangular, or rectangular. The shape for each attachment is determined by the function it will serve.

  1. They are often a necessity.

For many spacing problems, attachments are absolutely necessary for the aligner to function properly. Without the attachments, the aligner would not be able to grip the teeth correctly and would not be able to move them into their new positions.

  1. They are not always a necessity.

Minor spacing problems can sometimes be corrected without the use of attachments. The orthodontist will determine this during the course of treatment.

  1. They can be annoying.

Attachments can sometimes be annoying. When the aligners are not being used, the attachments can rub on the patient’s lip. Because the aligners can’t be used while eating, bits of food can also build up around the attachments and need to be scrubbed off before replacing the aligner. However, they are not very noticeable while wearing the aligner.

  1. Spacing can vary.

Each tooth won’t automatically need an attachment. The orthodontist will determine which teeth need attachments to create the desired result.

  1. They’re easy to add.

Orthodontists can easily add and remove attachments if needed. The process is pretty simple and doesn’t require a lengthy visit.

  1. They might be obvious

Some attachments are more obvious than others. They are generally the same color as tooth enamel, so they are pretty discreet. However, just as tooth color varies a little bit, attachment color varies a little bit. So the attachments might stand out more than desired.

  1. They make Invisalign available to more people.

Without attachments, many spacing issues would not be able to be corrected with Invisalign. Now that attachments are easily used, more people are able to use Invisalign technology for their dental problems.

The attachments are used for a variety of reasons, so each patient’s attachments will be specific to their treatment plan. Each patient’s treatment plan is specific to the severity of their orthodontic problems. Through corrective treatment, orthodontists seek to create both a beautiful smile and a proper bite.

Fortunately, the use of Invisalign attachments makes the treatments available to more patients. During the initial consult, Dr. Aller will discuss whether or not you will likely need attachments and how they might be used. If no attachments are needed, you will just need to use the aligners as directed. If attachments are needed, it is an easy process to have them applied.

Dr. Aller will create a template to determine where they should be applied to get the desired result. Then, they will clean your teeth and affix the attachment to their specific locations with a bonding agent. Once the bonding has dried, the attachments will stay in place until they are polished off at the end of your treatment.

Overall, Invisalign attachments are beneficial and inconspicuous. Initially, it may take a little time to adjust to them. Once you are used to them though, the aligners become easy to snap in and out, and the attachments become easy to clean.


If you are concerned about having attachments as part of your Invisalign treatment, speak to your treatment team at Miracle Smile about it. They will be able to give you all of your options and let you know if Invisalign is right for you.

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