How to Strengthen Your Teeth

How to strengthen your teeth

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but over time, it can wear down and demineralize, wearing down the surface which leads to chips, broken teeth, cavities, and tooth sensitivity. Enamel doesn’t grow back after it wears away. Preventing damaged enamel from occurring is the best way to protect the teeth and keep them strong and healthy.

You Are What You Eat

Bacteria is found in sugar and starch that we eat. It produces enamel-eroding acid which is found in foods like soda, pickles, and tomatoes. It weakens the enamel on the teeth. Limit your sugar intake to just 13 grams or less per day and limit carbohydrate intake like chips, cracked, and pasta, which convert to sugar.

Use a Straw

Use a straw to drink acidic drinks like soda and orange juice. Drinking these beverages through a straw reduces the amount of acid the tooth enamel is exposed to. It’s also a good idea to rinse your mouth with water after drinking an acidic beverage.

Eat Cheese

Whey Protein and casein is found in many varieties of cheese. Consuming these ingredients can reduce enamel demineralization and stimulate saliva flow which helps wash bacteria and germs away. Cheese tastes great and is healthy to eat, so have a few nibbles when you’ve finished dinner.

Choose the Right Toothbrush & Toothpaste

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent damage to the tooth’s email. Be mindful of the amount of pressure that you put on the teeth when brushing as well. Brushing too hard can cause enamel loss. Brush the teeth in gentle circular motions. Use a fluoridated toothpaste and choose a gluten-free product.

Know the Signs of Enamel Erosion

Tooth sensitivity to sweet foods and hot or cold temperatures, chipping, and tooth indentations are among the signs of enamel erosion. Pay attention to your teeth and if you notice these signs, schedule an appointment with the dentist, no matter when the last visit was made. Cosmetic dentistry can improve your smile and the cosmetic dentists at Miracle Smile are ready to show you how.

Visit the Dentist

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that one dental visit is made each year for preventative care and a tooth cleaning procedure. This annual visit to Dr. Aller and her associates at Miracle Smile can prevent many problems with enamel demineralization and help keep the teeth strong and healthy so you enjoy your bright, beautiful smile for a long time to come. Your teeth are far too important to risk missing these dental visits each year.

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