Lessons from Grandma with Dr. Aller: Happy Grandparents Day!

Dr Anna Aller and grandma

My grandmother always told me “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Or was it my mom?…  I do not remember, but I know someone told me. In addition the cartoons and the TV series always reinforced the idea the “The inner beauty is the most important”.

What seemed peculiar to me from the cartoons and the TV series is that always the characters that gave you these tips were canons of what a beautiful person should be (He-man, She-ra, Candy Candy, Zack Morris, Los chicos de Beverly Hills),  which made me think that the cover of the book is also important. In fact the bad guys on TV were obviously ugly.

School did not help either. Although the teachers tried to repeat every time they had the opportunity, to teach the importance of the content above the cover, always the popular people were beautiful (and jerks, as if there was a directly proportional correlation one and another).

Nor does it help that when you continue to grow, you realize that society rewards you for having a beautiful cover, much more than for complex and well-written content. But not everything is as dark as it sounds. While at University, you meet interesting people and you realize in reality that books with beautiful covers and nothing more, serve to decorate libraries, but not to be commented on and discussed.

Now I wonder: In reality, is exterior beauty more important than interior beauty?

And you know what? … It doesn’t matter.  What is important is knowing how to cultivate both. In this world, we should try to improve upon, and add up as much as we can.

So, always take the opportunity to cultivate your inner beauty with a good book, or even a good movie. And if what you want is to improve your outer beauty then, exercise, cut your hair and take advantage of discounts that Miracle Smile has starting this Labor Day.

And remember, if the cover is your face, your smile is the main title.

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