Poor Oral Health May Impact chances of developing liver cancer

oral health and liver cancer

Did you know that poor oral health can increase your chances of getting liver cancer by nearly 75%?

Of course, you know that taking care of your mouth is important. Regularly scheduling cleanings with your dentist, brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash are all ways to keep your mouth clean and healthy.

But there are times when you may slip up. Maybe you are too busy to make an appointment for your cleaning, or sometimes you fall asleep without brushing your teeth. Most of the time, those things aren’t a big deal. But neglecting your oral health over time can have serious consequences.

The cause of gum disease is often poor oral health and hygiene. If not treated early on, the disease can spread to your jaw and other organs in the body, causing serious issues down the line.

There’s also a tie between poor oral health and heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. But the discovery of the connection between oral health and liver disease proved to be a surprise to the researchers from Queen’s University Belfast who discovered it. Originally, they were looking for a tie between poor oral health and gastrointestinal cancers. Instead, they found liver cancer and poor oral health to have a stronger link.

Their studies found that the people who were most likely to have poor oral health were young females from deprived socioeconomic backgrounds who consumed less than two servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This told them that there’s a link between liver and oral health and diet.

This fact alone is not surprising. A healthy diet and attention to healthy practices such as regularly brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, and going to the dentist are all important to good oral health and hygiene. Someone who does not have access to dental care and does not have a good diet is much more likely to suffer the consequences than someone who is actively staying healthy and taking care of their teeth.

The connection between the liver and oral health is interesting. The liver works to eliminate bacteria from the human body. When it is compromised, it cannot perform that function. Diseases and infections in the mouth are largely due to bacteria, so if the liver isn’t healthy and the teeth and mouth aren’t well cleaned and cared for the chances of getting an infection or illness are heightened.

Liver cancer itself is one of the biggest causes of death in the EU, and likely the US, as well. Scientists and medical professionals agree that over half of the cases of liver cancer are preventable. Factors that contribute to the development of liver cancer are obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

All of which not only have a negative effect on the liver but can also be detrimental to oral health. So, while there appears to be a link between liver cancer and poor oral health, the study is most helpful in concluding that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to protect yourself from cancer and even gum disease.

If you’re interested in learning more about the connection between your oral health and other systems in your body schedule an appointment today.

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