Removable Partial  Dentures

Smile Confidently with Removable Dentures: Understanding the Benefits and Care


Removable dentures are a common dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth. Unlike dental bridges or implants, which are permanently fixed in place, removable dentures can be taken out and cleaned as needed.

There are two types of removable dentures: partial and complete. Partial dentures are used to replace one or more missing teeth, while complete dentures are used to replace all of the teeth in one or both arches of the mouth.

The process for getting dentures typically involves several appointments. During the first appointment, the dentist will take impressions of the patient’s mouth and create a model to ensure proper fit and comfort. The dentist will then create a trial denture, which is a temporary set of dentures that the patient can try on and provide feedback on the fit and appearance.

Once the final denture is ready, Dr. Aller will place it in the patient’s mouth and make any necessary adjustments for proper fit and comfort. The patient will be given instructions on how to care for and maintain their dentures, including how to clean them and when to come in for follow-up appointments.

While removable dentures can be a great option for many people, they do require some adjustments and maintenance. Some common issues with dentures include slipping or shifting in the mouth, difficulty eating or speaking, and discomfort or soreness. These issues can often be addressed by working with a dentist or denture specialist to adjust the fit or design of the denture.

We’re Your Plantation and Coral Gables, FL Denture Specialists

With proper care and maintenance, including regular cleaning and routine dental checkups, removable dentures can provide a natural-looking and functional solution for missing teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, contact Miracle Smile to discuss the benefits of dentures to determine if they are the right option for you.

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