Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be embarrassing as well as have other negative effects in your life, such as anxiety. It is common for everyone to have bad breath at some point, especially after eating certain foods, which is why there are so many different products to provide relief from it. However, many of these products are only temporary and may not address the cause of the problem. Here are a few of the causes of halitosis and how your dentist may be able to help you.
When Halitosis is Serious and When It’s Not
In most situations, halitosis is simply due to bad oral hygiene habits. For instance, not brushing enough or forgetting to brush your teeth as well as your tongue after eating. Sometimes, it may be as simple as skipping out on using dental floss or drinking enough water. Some of the most common causes of bad breath include:
- Food and beverages-When food particles break down in your mouth, there is an increase in bacteria. While your body is digesting these foods, you may experience bad breath. Some beverages, such as coffee or alcoholic beverages will also lead to bad breath, especially if you don’t brush right away after consuming them.
- Tobacco products-Smoking and/or chewing tobacco products may cause unpleasant odors in your mouth, as well as other health risks to your mouth.
- Poor hygiene-Bacteria and food particles can remain in your mouth for long periods of time, so you aren’t a regular brusher and flosser, your tongue will trap the bacteria, which can cause bad breath.
- Dry mouth-Saliva is essential for helping to remove food particles that cause bad breath, which is why if you have dry mouth, you may experience bad breath as well. Dry mouth typically happens why you sleep, which is why you may have bad breath when you wake up. Certain medications may also cause dry mouth and lead to bad breath.
Other causes may be more serious, such as if you have bad breath after surgery in your mouth; it may be a sign of infection. Bad breath may also be caused by small stones in your tonsils or stomach problems, such as reflux. A serious problem and common cause of bad breath is periodontal disease.
Periodontal Disease
If you have bad breath due to periodontal disease, it is critical that you see your dentist in order to have your gum issues treated. Periodontal disease happens when your gums are infected with bacteria. Symptoms may include swollen, painful and bleeding gums as well as bad breath. Not only is it important to treat periodontal disease to get bad breath under control, but it is also connected to serious issues,including heart disease.
There are a number of different ways your dentist can treat bad breath. Depending on the cause,treatment may include mouth rinses and toothpastes that are prescribed by yourdentist, such as toothpaste that contains an antibacterial agent to kill the bacteria that is causing plaque buildup. Dental treatments may include treatments to correct a dental problem that is causing your bad breath. For instance, if you have an abscessed tooth, your dentist may recommend a root canal or prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection, which in turn will treat your bad breath.
To learn more about why you may have halitosis or to schedule a routine dental exam, contact Miracle Smile and Dr. Aller will be happy to help with your situation.