What is a Dental Emergency?

what is a dental emergency

Can You Wait Until the Next Day for Treatment?


Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between a minor dental problem and a true dental emergency. An ache or pain could be a sign of a cavity or a serious problem. If you don’t know the difference you could end up waiting too long to get treatment, which could worsen the problem.

There are times when you cannot wait until the next day your dentist’s office is open to seek treatment. Luckily, there are emergency dentists who are available during those odd hours.

You should know the signs of a true dental emergency, so you know when you can wait and when you need to go see a dentist immediately.


Signs of a Dental Emergency


  1. Loose tooth

    After you lose your baby teeth and your adult teeth grow in, there’s no reason why any of your teeth should be loose. In fact, a loose tooth could be a sign of infection or the result of an injury. Either way, you should seek treatment immediately to make sure that you don’t have nerve damage from an injury or a serious infection that could indicate gum disease.

  2. Bleeding Gums

    A little bleeding after you floss your teeth isn’t ideal, but it’s no cause for concern. On the other hand, excessive bleeding that causes aching could be a sign of gum disease. Gum disease occurs in stages and the earlier you catch it, the better. Treating your symptoms as soon as they start is key to preventing the infection from spreading further and impacting your jaw and later other parts of your body.

  3. Swollen Jaw

    A swollen jaw is not normal. It could indicate a salivary gland infection, which could be caused by a blockage. This could lead to difficulty breaking down foods and washing away bacteria.

  4. Severe Toothache

    A severe toothache with sensitivity to temperature or pressure is a cause for concern. Even the slightest, lingering toothache could be indicative of an infection or other serious complication.

  5. Dental Abscess

    An abscess is caused by a painful infection. This is definitely cause for concern and you should seek emergency dental care immediately. In most cases, these are caused by severe gum disease or an untreated cavity, but it can also be the result of a chipped tooth. You might have a fever, swollen glands, a bad taste in your mouth, all of which are indicators of an infection. Treatment normally requires surgery to drain and treat the infection

  6. Numb Tooth

    Losing feeling in your tooth, especially after a bad toothache, could be an indicator that you have an infection and that the infection spread to the root of your tooth.

These are just a few of the symptoms that you should look out for when you’re deciding whether or not to make an emergency dental appointment. Overall, anything out of the ordinary is cause for concern, so if you’re unsure of whether or not you’re experiencing an emergency, it’s best to play it safe.

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact our office today.

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