Invisalign Aligner is the most esthetic, durable and revolutionary orthodontic treatment that makes it possible to align teeth without braces. Aligners are composed of smart track material which is thermoplastic. Each set of aligners can be worn for 2 weeks after which a new set of aligner must replace the old one. Aligners are fabricated precisely but in some cases, there can be missed areas which can have sharp edges that later may cause cuts in the gums, discomfort and pain to the patient. Usually, patient may experience cuts in gums or discomfort while wearing new sets of aligners. The cuts in the gums caused by it is significantly less compared to the conventional braces. However they are non-negligible and the discomfort due to these cuts in the gums, both the short term and long term, can be overcome.
- Smoothening the edges of aligners: In general, at the initial phase of the treatment, patient can experience discomfort due to the sharp edges of aligners. However, the edges of the aligners can be smoothened after patient’s consultation with their dentist.
- Use of orthodontic wax: Orthodontic wax is a clear, silicon wax made for dental use. It can also help in reducing or preventing irritation and cuts in gums by applying it along the gum line where the aligners’ edges are located. The wax acts as a barrier between gums and aligner because of which the edges of the aligners cannot create cuts in the gums.
- Pain-subsiding medications: The use of new aligners may cause cuts and pain in gum, cheeks or lips up to 12-24 hours of its first use. You can use analgesics like acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin as a counter medication to alleviate pain and inflammation.
- Use of cold compresses: Use of cold compresses on the cheeks can soothe the mucosa and the gums. Ice packs on a towel or cold compresses can be used but only for short period of time (about 20 minutes) otherwise it lead to skin injuries.
- Avoid hard or crunchy foods: During discomfort hard food can cause sore on gums and mucosa. So avoid chewing hard foods especially while wearing your new sets of aligners. Usually avoid foods like whole apples, raw carrot and anything hard. Always try to eat soft food until you get used to with your new aligners.
- Use of ointments: Canker-X ointment can be used to relieve sores in the mouth. It contains benzocaine which is a topical anesthetic that will help to numb the area of application. In addition it also acts as a bandage that sticks to gums, lips and mucosa and can provide hours of relief and comfort.
- Change the aligners before bed: People mostly experience cuts in gums, pain or discomfort when they change the aligners and wear new aligners. Therefore, in order to get rid of the discomfort, a patient can switch to their next aligner before bed so that oral tissue can get accustomed to it.
These solution can solve the cutting-gum issues with the aligners. In case of any serious pain or problems, you have to immediately contact our office for an evaluation by Dr. Aller. We are here to assist in your Invisalign journey, so please call us with any questions.