When it comes to dentistry, modern medicine still beats traditional therapies

diy dentistry charcoal

As with so many other aspects of health and well-being, there are always alternatives to everyday products. You can make your own hair masks, skincare treatments, and even toothpaste with ingredients that you find around your house.

Many of these combinations are rooted in traditions and practices from other cultures. They use natural things such as brick or ash to remove plaque and stains on teeth. These things are often rumored to be better for you. Maybe they’re organic, cheaper, and more natural than commercial toothpaste and other dental care products.

Truthfully, there’s no substitute for using real toothpaste, mouthwash, and modern toothbrushes. Whether you’re cleaning your teeth, whitening them and removing stains, or hoping to solve your cavities at home, you may want to reconsider alternative products and stick to what you can find at the store.

Unsurprisingly, studies have shown that the use of modern medical technology is the best way to treat and prevent dental ailments. While there have been prevention and treatment tactics around for decades that do not rely on technology to solve these same issues, they do not measure up to the abilities of the constantly developing dental technology that is available today.

In less developed countries without access to the dental care that is available in the United States, there are other practices for taking care of your teeth. But upon comparison, you’d see that nothing replaces a simple toothbrush and toothpaste and regular trips to the dentist. Click here for information about manual vs electric toothbrushes.

While aiming to be healthier and consume more natural food or beauty products is a good goal, your teeth have other needs. Because you are constantly eating and drinking throughout the day, you need to make sure that your oral hygiene tactics are keeping up.

Fighting off bacteria, bad breath, and preventing infections are vital roles played by toothpaste with fluoride, high-quality toothbrushes, mouthwash, and dental floss. Paired with regular trips to the dentist, these can keep your teeth in better shape.

You will probably even find that trying to keep up with trendy alternative dental healthcare DIY products will be more expensive than simply purchasing toothpaste at the store. You may even find that things such as DIY at-home whitening tactics can end up damaging your teeth instead of making them healthier.

Plus, there’s no guarantee that they will work in preventing cavities and other problems. Maybe you believe that your trendy substitute for store-bought toothpaste is working, but really when you visit your dentist you could find that you have cavities or your mouth isn’t really clean.

If you’re not sure which toothpaste is best for you or which mouthwash to buy, you can always consult your dentist. There are plenty of options out there including natural brands that will help protect your teeth and keep you feeling healthy.

Ultimately, when you find yourself with a cavity, toothache, gum irritation, or any other potentially problematic issue, nothing replaces a trip to your dentist.

Call our office today to schedule an appointment to speak with a dental care professional about your oral hygiene routine.

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