Dr. Aller Miracle Smile

World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday in the month of October every year. The idea of was coined and initiated by Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts. He is known to have created the Smiley Face in 1963.

When we are really good, the smiles come alone, as something natural. It is an external sign of joy, happiness, appreciation, fun, enthusiasm or pleasure.

It is not normal to smile when one is sad or worried. But it turns out that smiling can be the best thing you can do when you’re ready to change to a more joyful and positive mood. Positive people grow up in the face of adversity and tend to smile more than negative people.

What are the benefits of smiling for health?

It makes you happier, reduces physical pain, eliminates stress, generates self-confidence, the smile helps us to perform physical exercise.

Therefore, the next time someone says “smile” when you are low on spirits, do it. Anybody that smiles automatically looks better.

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